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CHUNITHM Rating functionality is exported under CHUNITHMRating. To use it,

import { CHUNITHMRating } from "rg-stats"


Rating is an algorithm used in CHUNITHM. This algorithm is derived from the score (out of 1.01million) and an internal chart level.


The internal chart level is not displayed in game. Charts have a second component -- a decimal -- that changes how much rating they give.

For example, a chart marked as level 12 may have an internal level of 12.0->12.6.

Similarly, a chart marked as level 12+ may have an internal level of 12.7->12.9

People have figured out a lot of these values for charts online. You'll have to look for them.


This calculates rating on a per-chart basis. The rating in game is a running average of these values, which is also affected by your N most recent plays.


Calculates rating on a given chart.


 * Calculates the rating for a CHUNITHM score.
 * This is accurate up to PARADISE LOST.
 * @param score - The score the user got. This is a value between 0 and 1.01million.
 * @param internalChartLevel - The internal chart level. This is a decimal value stored by the game internally.
function calculate(score: number, internalChartLevel: number): number