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RG Stats Overview

This is the documentation for the RG-Stats TypeScript library. Although this is primarily documentation for our API, if you're also just researching how various stats work in rhythm games, we recommend looking at the source code for this library.

The library and documentation is maintained by zkldi for Tachi.


Although this library was wrote for Tachi, it is completely decoupled from Tachi and can basically be used anywhere.


Installing this library is possible through your preferred NodeJS package manager.

# npm
npm install rg-stats

# yarn
yarn add rg-stats

# pnpm
pnpm add rg-stats

rg-stats also comes with TypeScript definitions built in, as it is a TypeScript library.


To contribute, just clone the repository and make a pull request with your changes. Write tests if necessary, and remember that we have a 100% test coverage rule for this library.

If you want to add a new algorithm or feature, please make an issue for discussion first.

Contributing to the docs is done in the same repository (it's a monorepo of documentation/ and library/!).